Jersey Black Butter Pavlova

Makes 1 large or approx 6 smaller individual


  • 100ml egg white (at room temperature)
  • 170g caster sugar
  • 1 tablespoon corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon cider vinegar
  • 5ml vanilla essence
  • 250ml whipping cream
  • 125g Jersey Black Butter
  • handful of fresh strawberries sliced


  1. Whisk egg whites until forming soft peaks (using electric mixer)
  2. Add sugar slowly and continue to whisk
  3. Add corn flour and whisk until firm
  4. Finally whisk in vinegar and vanilla essence
  5. Spoon onto greaseproof paper that has been lightly dusted with corn flour and make a slight dip in the middle
  6. Bake at 150 degree celsius for approx 90 minutes (until set)
  7. Once cooled whisk cream separately, fold in the Black Butter, spoon over the top and decorate with fresh strawberries.

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