Tuesday June 11, 2024

Wedding Date: 5 of the Best Ways to Choosing the Day to Say ‘Yes, I do’

Selecting the perfect wedding date is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as you plan your dream wedding. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you choose a date that works best for you and ensure everything is booked and ready for your special day.

Choose Your Perfect Wedding Date

1. Season and Weather: Consider the time of year that best suits your vision for the wedding. Do you dream of a spring wedding with blooming flowers, a summer celebration under the sun, a cosy autumn event with vibrant foliage, or a winter wonderland? Jersey’s mild climate makes it a beautiful destination year-round, but knowing your preferences can help narrow down your date options.

2. Availability: Check the availability for your preferred dates. Popular wedding venues tend to book up quickly, especially during peak seasons. We recommend choosing a few potential dates and contacting us as soon as possible to secure your spot. Call our Wedding co-ordinator on 01534 481178, email [email protected] or complete the form below.

3. Significant Dates: Think about any significant dates that hold personal meaning for you and your partner. This could be the anniversary of your first meeting, a special holiday, or a date that has sentimental value.

4. Guest Considerations: Take into account any major events or holidays that might affect your guests’ availability. Providing enough notice ensures that your loved ones can plan accordingly and join you for your celebration.


5. Consult an Astrologer

For couples looking for an extra layer of meaning to their wedding date, consulting an astrologer can be a fascinating option. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. An astrologer can help you choose a date that aligns with auspicious planetary positions, ensuring a harmonious start to your married life.

Here are some steps to consider if you’re interested in this unique approach:

Understanding Astrology: Astrology can offer insights into personality traits, compatibility, and timing for significant life events. Many believe that choosing a wedding date with favourable astrological aspects can bring good fortune and harmony to the marriage.

Consulting an Astrologer: Look for a reputable astrologer with experience in selecting wedding dates. They will typically create a natal chart for both you and your partner, analysing the positions of the stars and planets at the time of your birth to find the most auspicious date.

Recommended Websites: To start your astrological journey, you can visit websites like:

Astro.com: Offers a wide range of free and paid astrology services, including personalised reports and consultations.

Cafe Astrology: Provides detailed astrological insights and articles, including wedding date suggestions.

AstroStyle: Run by The AstroTwins, this site offers horoscopes, astrological guides, and personal consultations.

Secure Your Wedding Date

Once you have a few dates in mind, the next step is to secure your booking at your chosen venue. To reserve your wedding date at La Mare Wine Estate you can call our dedicated wedding coordinator on 01534 481178 or compete the form below.  Our coordinator will guide you through the booking process, answer any questions you may have, and ensure that all details are taken care of to create a seamless planning experience.


Reserve Your Service and Celebrant in Jersey

After securing your venue, the next step is to reserve your service and celebrant. This is an essential part of making your wedding day official. In Jersey, you have several options for your ceremony, whether it’s a traditional religious service or a more personalised civil ceremony.

Religious Services: If you’re planning a religious ceremony, contact your chosen place of worship to confirm the availability of your preferred date and time. They will guide you through the necessary steps and requirements for your wedding service.

Civil Ceremonies: For a civil ceremony, you’ll need to book a celebrant who is authorised to conduct weddings in Jersey. The Jersey Superintendent Registrar can provide a list of approved celebrants. Make sure to book early to ensure your preferred celebrant is available on your chosen date.

Making Your Dream Wedding a Reality

Choosing your wedding date and securing your bookings are crucial steps in the wedding planning process. At La Mare Wine Estate, we are committed to helping you create the wedding of your dreams. With our stunning venue, exceptional service, and picturesque surroundings, your special day will be everything you’ve envisioned and more.

For more tips on planning your perfect wedding at La Mare Wine Estate, stay tuned to our blog and feel free to reach out to our event planning team for personalised assistance.


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