Monday May 20, 2013

La Mare wins Gold

La Mare Wine Estate in St. Mary is celebrating after winning a GOLD in the Green Tourism Business Scheme.

The Green Tourism Business Scheme is the national sustainable tourism certification scheme for the UK it is now the only certification scheme validated by Visit Britain, through the International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT).

Grading is against a rigorous set of criteria, covering a range of areas, like energy and water efficiency, waste management, biodiversity and more.

The La Mare Wine Estate Team are passionate about our environmental responsibilities.  The business shows commitment to legal compliance and strives for continuous improvement and initiatives throughout the company.

How La Mare Wine Estate strives towards a ‘Green’ business are detailed on our website and covers areas in the Vineyard and Orchard, Production, Tourism and Administration.

Our Environmental Policy includes:

  • Making our visitors more keenly aware of the environment
  • Creation of a plan to control energy consumption
  • Reinforcing our policy of environmental-friendly energy production
  • Implementation of a plan to control water consumption
  • Recycling of Grey Water
  • General Recycling
  • Integrated Vineyard and Orchard Green Management Plan

La Mare Wine Estate are taking steps to reduce our Carbon footprint and support the Copenhagen Climate Conference.


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